!!! Changed made after release: !!! Added s_to to east_corridor to accomodate next segment. Object employee_directory "employee directory" inside_base with name 'employee' 'directory' 'book', author "inky", description "It's a simply enormous book, filled with names and office numbers. It's really quite nicely made for an employee directory -- the inside is hand-calligraphed on heavy paper, and the covers are polished metal plates engraved with XPQ's logo.", before [; Consult: "Unfortunately, there's no entry for 'cetaphenyl production.' Fuckers."; Take: if (self hasnt moved) { if (jumpsuit has worn && jumpsuit in player) print "~Do help yourself, sir,~ the receptionist coos.^"; else "The receptionist smacks her hand down on the book with a crack like a rifle. ~Staff only!~ she snaps."; } ], after [; Wear: "You balance the book atop your head. All those deportment lessons are paying off!"; ], initial [; ! this is goofy, but it's an easy to link up the previous ! section with mine inside_base.e_to = east_corridor; "A large book sits on the receptionist's desk."; ], has clothing; Object east_corridor "XPQ, Eastern Base Corridor" with description "This wide, moss-lined corridor runs west to east. Or east to west, but you prefer to think of it the other way -- your aching need for cetaphenyl pulls you further east into the base, as there is certainly none available back west at the reception area. Jumpsuited employees hop cheerfully down the corridor, paying no attention to you whatsoever.", author "inky", w_to inside_base, in_to archway, n_to archway, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! in your code do east_corridor.e_final = some room !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e_final 0, s_to 0, e_to [; if (self hasnt general) { give self general; "You've gone just a short distance down the corridor when you see it! A door labelled 'Pharmaceutical Supplies, C-H'. You're just about to charge in when you notice the blue glow that bathes the area immediately in front of the door -- looks like a mind probe. You retreat hastily back down the corridor."; } else { print "You steel your nerves and walk down the corridor. "; if (jumpsuit notin player || jumpsuit hasnt worn) { deadflag = 1; "Unfortunately, since you're no longer disguised by the jumpsuit, you're quickly apprehended by the guards and dragged off to be used as raw materials."; } print "For a moment, you stand fully in the tingling blue glow. "; if (extra_brain notin player && (employee_directory has worn && employee_directory in player)) { deadflag = 1; "Nothing happens, and you think you're safe -- but as soon as you turn the doorknob, klaxons begin to blare. ~No mind detected! Spy in base! No mind detected! Spy in base!~ Security bandicoots appear out of nowhere, and drag you off to be used as raw materials."; } print "~Mind scan commencing ...~ says a voice from nowhere."; if (extra_brain in player) { print " ~Correct thoughts detected. Employee verified.~"; if (employee_directory has worn && employee_directory in player) { print " Smugly, you step forward, opening the door and entering the room."; return self.e_final; } else { deadflag = 1; " There's a pause, and you think you're safe, but then the voice resumes. ~Error! Additional thought-source detected! Duplicate brain!~^^Before you can do anything, you are surrounded by security bandicoots and dragged off to be used as raw materials."; } } else { deadflag = 1; " ~Error! Error! Incorrect thoughts detected!~^^Before you can do anything, you are surrounded by security bandicoots and dragged off to be used as raw materials."; } } ], cant_go "The corridor runs east/west, and the archway is in the north wall.", has light; Object -> corridor_employees "jumpsuited employees" with name 'employee' 'employees' 'jumpsuited', author "inky", description "The employees' natty jumpsuits, brisk walk, and cheerful expressions are ample evidence that they're drugged out of their minds.", before [; Examine: ; default: "The employees pay you no attention whatsoever."; ], has scenery animate; Object -> archway "archway" with name 'archway' 'brainomat' 'brain' '\\o' 'mat' 'brain-o-mat', author "inky", initial "A narrow archway is built into the north wall.", description "Gold letters above the arch read ~BRAIN-O-MAT~. The area through the archway is only dimly lit, and tinkly music is faintly audible above the corridor noise.", door_dir n_to, door_to [; if (employee_directory in player && employee_directory has worn) "As you step towards the archway, you are repelled by a crackle of electricity. ~No mind detected,~ a voice says. ~Please reboot head and try again.~"; print "As you step towards the archway, a voice speaks: ~Scanning brain ...~^^"; if (extra_brain notin nothing) { print "~Lookin' good!~ it says. ~Looking better than good! Hot-cha-cha! You shouldn't need another tuneup for at least twenty thousand neurons.~ There's a pause. ~So I'm afraid your insurance doesn't cover another visit at the moment.~ There is the crackle and pop of blue electricity, and you jump back hastily."; if (IndirectlyContains(brainomat, employee_directory)) { move employee_directory to east_corridor; "^^There is a pause and a bleep, and then the employee directory comes shooting out of the archway, landing in the middle of the corridor."; } else rtrue; } else if (flashback_count < 3) "There is the crackle and pop of blue electricity, and you jump back hastily. ~I'm sorry,~ the voice informs you cheerily, ~You don't seem to be messed up enough to need our services.~"; else { print "~Oh, dear,~ the voice clucks. ~You're in bad shape. Come on in!~^"; return brainomat; } ], has static door open; Object brainomat "Brain-O-Mat", with description "Soft lighting and music do little to detract from the main attraction of this room, a large throne-like chair topped with an assortment of machinery, including a massive buzzsaw blade.", author "inky", out_to barchway, s_to barchway, cant_go "The only way out is back out the way you came.", counter -1, ! so it'll get incremented to 0 the first time in each_turn [; if (extra_brain notin nothing) return; self.counter++; if (player notin brain_throne && self.counter % 4 == 0) { "^~Good golly!~ says the voice. ~You just have a seat and I'll fix you right up!~"; } else if (player in brain_throne && self.counter % 3 == 0) { "^~Great!~ says the voice. ~Now just hit the red button and we'll get started.~"; } ], has light; Object -> barchway "archway" with name 'archway' 'corridor', author "inky", description "The archway leads back out into the corridor.", door_dir s_to, door_to east_corridor, has scenery door open; Object -> brain_throne "mechanical throne" with name 'mechanical' 'throne' 'chair', author "inky", description "It's like a cross between a throne and a dentist's chair. Perched atop the chair is a complicated mechanism that consists of a large buzzsaw blade, plus several other less striking pieces. There's also a large red button set into one arm of the chair.", before [; Take: "It's way too heavy."; ], after [; Enter: brainomat.counter = -1; "There is a faint click and the seat of the throne depresses slightly beneath you."; Receive: if (noun == employee_directory) "The seat of the throne depresses slightly as you put the directory onto it."; else "The seat of the throne depresses slightly as you set down ", (the) noun, ", then rises again."; ], has scenery supporter enterable; Object ->-> brain_button "red button" with name 'red' 'button', author "inky", description "It's your usual large-red-button-built-into-arm-of-throne.", before [; Push: if (extra_brain notin nothing) "There is a pause, and then the voice speaks. ~Employee, this psychological profile has already been corrected. Please resume operational duties immediately.~"; else if (employee_directory notin brain_throne && player notin brain_throne) "The seat of the throne depresses slightly, then rises again. ~I'm sorry,~ says the voice, ~You don't seem to be sitting down. Do sit down before pushing the button.~"; else { print "The mechanism above the throne suddenly bursts into activity. The dome lowers"; if (player in brain_throne) { deadflag = 1; print " onto your head"; if (employee_directory in player && employee_directory has worn) print " (knocking off the book)"; ", the buzzsaw neatly slices the top of your head open, and the tube sends another brain shooting into your skull, suctioning up the old one a moment later. This is probably good for you somehow, but for all intents and purposes"; } else { move extra_brain to player; ", the buzzsaw comes spinning down to slice at about head-level, and just as you're thinking the show's over, a squishy greyish brain comes shooting out of the tube into your arms. There is a pause, and then the voice chirps ~Another successful operation!~"; } } ], has scenery; Object -> brain_mechanism "throne mechanism" with name 'mechanism', author "inky", description "The mechanism consists of multiple protrusions and extrusions, and if used wrong probably leads to contusions. Possibly if used right, for that matter. Anyway, its main parts seem to be a metal dome that appears to lower down above the throne, a buzzsaw on a swinging arm, and a flexible tube that extends from a large box." has scenery transparent; Object ->-> brain_saw "buzzsaw blade" with name 'buzz' 'saw' 'buzzsaw' 'blade', author "inky", description "It's a large saw-blade, thin but looking extremely sharp (unlike you, but then, you didn't really have time to dress up for this). It's mounted on an arm that connects to the main part of the mechanism.", before [; Touch: "Ouch!"; ], has scenery; Object ->-> brain_dome "metal dome" with name 'metal' 'dome', author "inky", description "The metal dome looks much like a hole-less colander. It is mounted on a slider to let it move up and down over the seat of the throne.", before [; Wear: "The dome is currently out of reach, though that does seem to be the intent of the mechanism."; ], has scenery; Object ->-> brain_tubing "flexible tube" with name 'flexible' 'tube' 'tubing', author "inky", description "It's a large, flexible piece of tubing, which extends out from a box at the back of the mechanism. The tube looks wide enough to fit an entire grapefruit.", before [; Search: "You can't see much, since the tube is coiled."; Receive: "The tube is out of reach."; ], has scenery; Object ->-> brain_box "large box" with name 'box', author "inky", description "The box is large, made of metal, and completely sealed except for the tube emerging from one side. Printed on another side are the words ~REPLACEMENTS~.", has scenery; Object extra_brain "extra brain" with name 'extra' 'brain', author "inky", description "You never know when one'll come in handy." ;