Constant Story "The Corn Identity"; Constant Headline "^An ~IF Whispers~ collaborative project^ (For more information on how this work was created, type ABOUT)^"; !!! Segment 1 has been removed from this file and put into and include file like the !!! other segments. !!! Player has been given a description. !!! Grammar has been moved to the beginning of the Includes so that segment 10 can !!! extend grammar lines. Constant AMUSING_PROVIDED; Constant DEATH_MENTION_UNDO; Replace ScoreSub; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; [ ScoreSub; if (deadflag == 0) "There is no score in this game."; ]; ! Entry-point routines must come before Grammar [ Amusing; "Try the verb ~AUTHOR~, both with and without an object. ^^Several authors put dead bodies in their segments -- something about the environment just seemed to demand corpses. Be sure to search every body you come across. ^^Put the baseball on the slab at the beginning, then send the slab to the ceiling and back. ^^After pushing the green button in the cornfield, you can ride the slab up to the top of the dome. This branch was not pursued by later authors. ^^The woman who shoots at you as you leave the vault really has it in for the ear of corn, and will vary her behavior slightly if you're carrying the corn or if you leave it on the floor of the vault or the crossroads. ^^You can poison the popcorn that you give to the vagrant. If you do, remember to search his corpse! ^^There are two ways to leave the abandoned station: by pressing the recall button or by opening the emergency hatch on the elevator. The latter exit involves solving an optional puzzle elsewhere, but it ultimately doesn't matter which you do. ^^There are five objects that trigger flashbacks, although you need only three to complete the game. The complete list is: the candy wrapper in the community center lobby, the cigarette butt outside the community center, the graffiti outside the XPQ base, the dog poo outside the XPQ base, and the closet in the XPQ lobby. Try them all! ^^The researchers don't respond to very many conversation topics, but in addition to the one you need for the puzzle, they will respond to queries about cetaphenyl and Dr. Delta. ^^In the end, you can win by either cooperating with Dr. Delta and fleeing this world, or fighting him and turning him in to the authorities. I have no idea which is the wiser course. "; ]; [ Initialise; location = slab; player.description = "You seem to be unharmed, although your clothing is rumpled and stained and your fingernails have grown noticeably. How long were you out, anyway?"; "^^^You wake up groggy in unfamiliar surroundings. What on earth happened to you?^"; ]; Include "Grammar"; Include "segment1"; Include "segment2"; Include "segment3"; Include "segment4"; Include "segment5"; Include "segment6"; Include "segment7"; Include "segment8"; Include "segment9"; Include "segment10"; Include "segment11"; Include "afterwards";